06.07.2004, 13:55:17
Doch, das muss auch nachtraeglich gelten:
Es gibt die Europaeische Vereinbarung 1408/71, nach der Migranten innerhalb der EU keine Diskriminierung erfahren duerfen. Text:
1.6.1. The coordination of national social security schemes
The coordination of national social security schemes is based on a number of provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) relating to the freedom of movement of workers. Articles 7 and 48 of the Treaty, in particular, relate to social security, in that they prohibit discrimination on the grounds of nationality as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment. Article 51 of the Treaty is the most important in this context.
Treaty provisions are implemented through the adoption of two EC Regulations: Council Regulation No. 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Council Regulation No. 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation No. 1408/71.
Regulation No. 1408/71 is the most effective instrument for international coordination within the European Region. It covers all branches of social security (with the exception of national welfare schemes and special schemes for civil servants) for employees, civil servants and self-employed persons who are nationals of a Member State and also their families and survivors. It sets out the following basic principles:
non-discrimination between migrant workers and nationals;
aggregation, for the purpose of acquiring and retaining the right to benefit and of calculating the amount of benefit, of all periods taken into account under the laws of the several EU countries;
payment of benefit to persons resident in the territories of the Member States (exportation of unemployment benefits is limited up to a maximum of three months, while no exportation is available for non contributory benefits).
The application and interpretation of the Regulation are supervised by bodies, which meet at regular intervals (the Administrative Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers, the Advisory Committee and the Audit Board), while any disputes are settled by the European Court of Justice that has developed a rather important framework of case law for the insurance cover of migrant workers.
Quelle: www.ggka.gr/english/SSS_en.doc
Auf der TEBE-Site ist diese Vereinbarung in der Sektion "Renten" erwaehnt. Mit keinem Wort steht da irgendwo, dass das auch fuer laufende Versicherungen gilt, bei der TEBE Agia Paraskevi und Ampelokipi haben die Sachbearbeiter aber deutlich drauf hingewiesen, dass die deutschen Beitragszeiten sehr wohl auch bei einer jetzigen Einschreibung gelten!
Frag mal nach, vielleicht kriegste ja ein paar tausend Euro zurueckgezahlt? Dann wuerde ich gern auf ein Bierchen eingeladen werden *ggggg
Es gibt die Europaeische Vereinbarung 1408/71, nach der Migranten innerhalb der EU keine Diskriminierung erfahren duerfen. Text:
1.6.1. The coordination of national social security schemes
The coordination of national social security schemes is based on a number of provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) relating to the freedom of movement of workers. Articles 7 and 48 of the Treaty, in particular, relate to social security, in that they prohibit discrimination on the grounds of nationality as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment. Article 51 of the Treaty is the most important in this context.
Treaty provisions are implemented through the adoption of two EC Regulations: Council Regulation No. 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and Council Regulation No. 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation No. 1408/71.
Regulation No. 1408/71 is the most effective instrument for international coordination within the European Region. It covers all branches of social security (with the exception of national welfare schemes and special schemes for civil servants) for employees, civil servants and self-employed persons who are nationals of a Member State and also their families and survivors. It sets out the following basic principles:
non-discrimination between migrant workers and nationals;
aggregation, for the purpose of acquiring and retaining the right to benefit and of calculating the amount of benefit, of all periods taken into account under the laws of the several EU countries;
payment of benefit to persons resident in the territories of the Member States (exportation of unemployment benefits is limited up to a maximum of three months, while no exportation is available for non contributory benefits).
The application and interpretation of the Regulation are supervised by bodies, which meet at regular intervals (the Administrative Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers, the Advisory Committee and the Audit Board), while any disputes are settled by the European Court of Justice that has developed a rather important framework of case law for the insurance cover of migrant workers.
Quelle: www.ggka.gr/english/SSS_en.doc
Auf der TEBE-Site ist diese Vereinbarung in der Sektion "Renten" erwaehnt. Mit keinem Wort steht da irgendwo, dass das auch fuer laufende Versicherungen gilt, bei der TEBE Agia Paraskevi und Ampelokipi haben die Sachbearbeiter aber deutlich drauf hingewiesen, dass die deutschen Beitragszeiten sehr wohl auch bei einer jetzigen Einschreibung gelten!
Frag mal nach, vielleicht kriegste ja ein paar tausend Euro zurueckgezahlt? Dann wuerde ich gern auf ein Bierchen eingeladen werden *ggggg