30.08.2007, 09:09:17
Fuer uns Technikdoofies hab ich folgendes gefunden:
*/bb|[^b]{2}/ is a regular expression which is a thing used in programming to search text. (Click the link for more information.) The regular expression in the title is a ‘pun’ (if that is the correct term.) It is the regular expression equivalent of ‘To be or not to be’.
I shall explain:
the ‘/’ is just a character to mark the start of the expression.
‘bb’ two b’s –> To be
‘|’ logical OR –> or
[^b] logical NOT b {2} two of the preceding –> two not b’s –> not to be
hence giving “To be or not to be”
*/bb|[^b]{2}/ is a regular expression which is a thing used in programming to search text. (Click the link for more information.) The regular expression in the title is a ‘pun’ (if that is the correct term.) It is the regular expression equivalent of ‘To be or not to be’.
I shall explain:
the ‘/’ is just a character to mark the start of the expression.
‘bb’ two b’s –> To be
‘|’ logical OR –> or
[^b] logical NOT b {2} two of the preceding –> two not b’s –> not to be
hence giving “To be or not to be”