Fremdsprachenkenntnisse - Druckversion

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Fremdsprachenkenntnisse - Carmen - 07.09.2005

Aus meiner Mailbox:

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

I live momentarily in Germany,
gladly to Greece would emigrate. Momentarily I as IT range,
I work would like however in all office activities to apply, in German
companies both also in Greek companies, my only please would be
applications only to thessaloniki to be sent. Since I not directly
white on if I turn must, it would make me happy if her me in addition
tipps to give could, as I applications to be sent must and at which

Thanks a lot

Yours sincerely

Fremdsprachenkenntnisse - Tobi - 07.09.2005

Das ist jetzt aber nicht Dein Ernst, oder?

Fremdsprachenkenntnisse - Carmen - 07.09.2005


Meiner nicht, des Maedels offenbar schon Smile

Fremdsprachenkenntnisse - Psilojannakis - 09.09.2005

Also manchmal - man weiset nich so recht....